- #Linux basic programming language software
- #Linux basic programming language download
- #Linux basic programming language windows
$ cp /home/harssh/file.txt /home/harssh/new/ĩ. cp : This ‘$ cp ‘ command stands for ‘copy’ and it simply copy/paste the file wherever you want to.In the above example, we are copying a file ‘file.txt’ from the directory harssh to a new directory new. Note: It is important to note that according to the Unix File structure, Unix treats all the stuff it has as a ‘file’, even the directories(folders) are also treated as a file.You will get to know more about this as you will further use Linux/Unix based OS 🙂Ĩ. Output: Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Scratch Templates Videos example touch : The ‘$ touch’ command creates a file(not directory) and you can simple add an extension such as. Output: Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Scratch Templates Videosħ. ls : The ‘ls’ command simply displays the contents of a directory. $ cd newfolder (assuming that there is a directory named 'newfolder' on your system)Ħ. cd : The ‘$ cd’ command stands for ‘change directory’ and it changes your current directory to the ‘newfolder’ directory.You can understand this a double-clicking a folder and then you do some stuff in that folder. rmdir : The ‘$ rmdir’ command deletes any directory we want to delete and you can remember it by its names ‘rmdir’ which stands for ‘remove directory’. mkdir : The ‘$ mkdir’ stands for ‘make directory’ and it creates a new directory.We have used ‘$ cd’ (which is discussed below) to get into the newly created directory and again on giving ‘$ pwd’ command,we are displayed with the new ‘newfolder’ directory.Ĥ.
#Linux basic programming language windows
In the output we are harssh directory(folder for Windows OS that are moving to Linux),which is present inside the home directoryģ. pwd : The ‘$pwd’ command stands for ‘print working directory’ and as the name says,it displays the directory in which we are currently (directory is same as folder for Windows OS users). who : The ‘$ who’ command displays all the users who have logged into the system currently.As shown above on my system I am the only user currently logged in.The thing tty2 is terminal line the user is using and the next line gives the current date and time $ whoĢ. Linux/Unix commands are case-sensitive i.e Hello is different from hello.(Please note that all the linux/unix commands are run in the terminal of a linux system.Terminal is like command prompt as that of in Windows OS) Now coming to the Basic and most usable commands of Linux/Unix part.

#Linux basic programming language download
#Linux basic programming language software
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